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Ep.551 ~ Hitting 100 Million Users and Becoming a $1.5 Billion Digital Verification Company  ~ Blake Hall

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~ High-Performance & Entrepreneurship ~

Our guest today is an Army Ranger who hunted down the Al Qaeda bomb network during his time in Iraq. He also led a platoon for fifteen months in the war and he was awarded the Bronze Star with Valor for leading his men during a firefight against Al Qaeda which saved twenty American lives. 


But believe it or not, that is not the main reason he is on the podcast today. His name is Blake Hall and he is the Founder and CEO of which is a $1.5 Billion digital identity verification company which has grown to employing over 1000 people and credited with eliminating $210 billion in government identity fraud out of the estimated $400 billion to take place during the pandemic. 

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00:52   Intro

01:56   Micro-High Performance Episodes

02:38   Events and Trips For Entrepreneurs

03:00   Seasoned Business Minds Group

04:04  Guest Introduction

06:33  Blake’s Three Characteristics in Building a Successful Company

07:49  The Learning Values as a Army Ranger

10:50  Solving Problems in Entrepreneurial Perspective

13:23  Life as a Army Ranger

21:34  Application to Harvard Business School

23:31  Overlapping Theme Amongst Successful vs. Failed Companies

26:06  The Start of

29:57  Influence of Estonia to building a Technology Company

32:07  Company Growth Chapters

36:13  The Future of Digital Identity

48:04  Building Systems in Evaluating and Selecting Team Members

49:33  Self-Pressure and Stress in Growing a Company

52:28  Create Healthy Habits

55:35  The Strategies from Steve Blank’s book “The Four Steps to the Epiphany”

01:05:37  Five Different Sleep Chronotypes - same

01:13:51  Reach out and Learn more about and Blake Hall

01:15:06  Outro

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