Urban Escape & Evasion Course
~Entrepreneurs Escaping a Kidnapping & Urban Survival~
While on an international business trip, you are kidnapped and held for ransom. Or, a terrorist attack closes the business district of your city and you find yourself in a dangerous, chaotic fix. How do you stay alive? How do you get to safety on your own?
*Video is from The Tim Ferriss Experience TV Show
May 11-16, 2021 ~ Salt Lake City, Utah

What's Happening?
Do you think you could survive a legitimate kidnapping?
Have you ever wanted to up your life skills to become a bit more like Jason Bourne, James Bond, Lara Croft, or Rambo?.....I know I have….
There have been times when traveling to remote parts of the world, where the idea did cross my mind that if someone tried to kidnap me, how would I handle it? Tim Ferriss took an Urban Escape & Evasion course about 8 years ago and made an episode about it in his TV Series The Tim Ferriss Experiment.Since seeing it, I have always wanted to take the class. I was going to do it last year in 2020, but the pandemic happened and blah blah blah - you know how that goes....
But now - that class is open again, and Adam and I have booked a private course strictly for a group of entrepreneurs! How cool would it be if you had the skills and know-how to survive something like that? How about just getting another killer life-skill to add to the mental toughness we all need living lives as entrepreneurs?
Well come with us…
We’re not doing this to make money….we are doing everything at cost!
We just want to get a group of really awesome entrepreneurs together to get kidnapped!....True Story!
It is in Salt Lake City May 11th - 16th, 2021.
It’s a whopping $875 for the class!
We are even going to arrange a little mastermind day while we are there. This way - we can all get to know one another - maybe get some legitimate ideas to grow our businesses and then see if we can survive a kidnapping!
The lead trainer of the course has trained NavySEALS, Army Ranges, Marines, FBI agents, Secret Service Agents, the Air Force Parajumpers, and police departments all over the country! So they know how to kidnap properly!
We have 14 spots open. This isn’t going out to the masses. We have hand chosen everyone that we are inviting. We want to make sure we have a group of like-minded established entrepreneurs that are already running successful businesses.
Because that's the type of people we like to hang out with and I really think this course is one that can help us all strengthen our mindset to become better entrepreneurs!
So join us….
We hope to see you there!
Chris & Adam
More Details About the Urban Escape & Evasion Course
This class provides leading-edge skills to civilians who live or work in challenging urban environments or who may find themselves in a destabilizing urban area during a crisis. Topics covered include covert movement (day vs. night), the judicious use of caches, understanding urban baseline movement and urban awareness training, the use of disguises and false papers/identification, lock picking, escaping from unlawful custody, obtaining and driving local transportation, the use of “specialized” urban gear, and instruction on how to develop urban escape and evasion go-bags. A one day urban escape scenario (kidnapping) is held on the final day of class. Training will be held as follows:
Please be advised that upon entering the training facility, you will be entering a “safe-house in a foreign country”, and the enemy will have surveillance in operation at all times. Training will begin Thursday morning in the hotel’s conference room, and run until 6:00 pm that evening. You will be assigned tasks which will require additional time (usually a couple of hours) into the evening after class to hone your new skills.
Friday’s schedule will be the same: 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, with additional exercises out in the city well into the late evening hours. Keeping an attitude that you are in dangerous, hostile territory all the time you’re in the training city will make the training that much more effective.
Saturday’s exercise will begin at 8:30 am and involve putting your new skills and mindsets to the test in a real-life scenario lasting most of the day until around 5:00 pm. You will be “kidnapped”: hooded, cuffed and taken somewhere dark and uncomfortable to start your day. You will be expected to escape, find your own transportation legally using your social engineering skills, and make your way to the first cache location, where directions for a series of tasks using all your new skills await.
Meanwhile, expert trackers will be hunting you down, and if they catch you, you will have to start again from a more distant location.
Discussion and debriefing will be held after the formal exercise, so any flights out should be scheduled on Sunday.
Be advised, therefore, that this training is extremely demanding physically, emotionally and intellectually. You can plan on walking around the city at least ten miles, perhaps fifteen, by the end of the course. You will also experience a high degree of stress that you will be expected to manage successfully. In addition to hands-on skills learned in class, there will be long hours of absorbing as much lectured subject matter as possible. Some of which may be disturbing in content, as self defense and self preservation are the core topics covered in this course.
In essence, you will be learning how to save your own life and others’ lives in an urban environment. We hope you become an expert in, but will never have to implement these skills!
Meet the Organizers

Chris Reynolds
Adam Anderson
Adam has been an entrepreneur for nearly two decades and was the primary investor or founder for 21 startups. Five of those companies are still going strong!
Adam been in the cybersecurity space for 20 years, and recently had a multi-million dollar exit from one of his businesses. He has published 5 books on business, cybersecurity and/or emotional intelligence. He is a member of the British Virgin Island Accelerator with Richard Branson, and has been a cybersecurity advisor to the Prime Minister of Bhutan.
Chris Reynolds, M.B.A is a lifestyle entrepreneur, high-performance tactician, international keynote speaker & founder of The Business Method & Get Shit Done Live.
Chris has created 10 international business accelerators while interviewing nearly 400 successful entrepreneurs & high-performers on his podcast. He is an international keynote speaker, an official juror of the Global Startup Awards in 2019, & currently, Chris focuses on helping entrepreneurs get to the top of their game in businesses & life.