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Ep.482 ~ One of the Most Powerful Women I Know  ~ Veena Sidhu

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~ Current Series ~

100 Interviews with 100 Major Influencers

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Have you ever seen someone walk in the room and just by their charisma, and their energy they captivate everyone else. I once heard about the International Grammy Award winning singer Rihanna. People said even when she was young she would just walk in a room, and she would captivate everyone. When I see someone like that, my first thought is, ‘Who is that person? and “How can I meet them.? I know for many people it can be kind of intimidating to attempt to connect with that person that everyone is noticing, but for me my mindset is, “I want to understand the charisma that person has, and I want to put that person in my friend circle.’

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Today’s guest is that person. I first noticed her at a business conference on an island in Croatia full of very successful entrepreneurs, and thought leaders. There were a couple hundred people there, and her charisma seemed to be everywhere. I thought to myself, who is that person, and I want to meet her!” and so I did. Not surprisingly she turned out to be a powerhouse entrepreneur, and one of the most successful women I have ever met. Her name is Veena Sidhu, and she is currently the founder of Dream Catcher Enterprise, where her company helps 7-figure businesses scale to 8-figures and beyond through systems, processes, and marketing, but that is really just scratching the surface of who she is. 

Throughout her career, Veena spent a significant amount of time working with and building Mindvalley, one of the world’s largest personal-development companies. There Veena was the co-founder and CEO of Mindvalley’s external affiliates and partnerships startup, which grew from $250k a year to $2.5 million in the first year, and $4 million in the second year. Her third year at the company she was made Senior Partner of Mindvalley group of companies, and led as Director of Sales and Publishing. She also helped launch its former course platform — Mindvalley Academy, and oversaw operations of multiple other teams including Content Marketing, Course Creation, Technology, Apps, and Events. Vishen Lakhiana, the founder of Mindvalley said “Veena is one of the singular best people he brought into the company!”

Currently, in addition to running Dream Catcher Enterprise, Veena works with the government of Malaysia on multiple projects. 

02:20  Who is Veena Sidhu?
04:49  Working With Mindvalley
07:08 Choosing Joy
17:21 Changing Habits
20:02 Changing Your Mindset
24:25 Veena on Her Passion & Energy
30:02 The Impact of 2020
35:03 Never Burn Bridges
41:46 Why Self-Education is Vital For Entrepreneurs
50:46 Daily Routines
56:22 Final Tips
58:11 Where To Find Veena

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