Ep.424 ~ Roasting The Entrepreneur Life ~ JP Sears
~ Current Series ~
100 Interviews with 100 Major Influencers
“I think that the best form of spirituality is the religion called ‘Entrepreneurship,” JP Sears
On today's episode, we are welcoming the ultra-spiritual life coach JP Sears to the show. JP has been called the honey badger of the spiritual kingdom and is the creator of the popular YouTube channel ‘Awaken with JP.’ Not only that, JP is a spiritual guru, international teacher emotional healing coach, entrepreneur, and the author of his new book ‘How to be Ultra Spiritual.”
I wanted to bring JP on the Podcast after seeing his video ‘The Entrepreneur Life’. In JP’s terms “The entrepreneur life is a hard life of hustle, scaling, creating apps, starting startups, telling people that you're hustling, and pretending to be a billionaire. It's a lot of hard work, but it's a glorious life where you're a rock star of the business world who does things on your terms.”
I personally couldn’t agree more, so here to talk about his new book and ‘The Entrepreneur Life’ is the honey badger of the spiritual kingdom, JP Sears!
“The only thing better than our listeners hustling, is them watching us hustle. Why? Because we can’t monetize their hustle, we can monetize our hustle through them watching our hustling.” JP Sears
03:37: JP’s Tips On How Entrepreneurs Can Become More Spiritual
16:52: JP On How to Monetize the Hustle
18:15: JP On Tech Being the One True Industry
22:49: JP’s Gary Vaynerchuk Impression
26:24: JP’s Steps on Spiritual Superiority From His New Book
29:55: How to Create the Four Hour Spiritual Week
32:51: The Anti-Spiritual Entrepreneur
“If you’re not scaling something, then get the hell out of my life. Why are you wasting my time?” JP Sears
Honorable Mentions:
'The Entrepreneur Life' Video
‘How to be Ultra Spiritual’ by JP Sears
Gary Vaynerchuk
Elon Musk
Steve Jobs
Richard Branson
Tim Ferriss
~JP has some other great videos that can apply to the entrepreneurs out there~
Pursuing Your Passion vs. Accepting What Is
How to Deal with Rejection
Balancing Work and Family Life
Becoming Successful on YouTube
The Four Hour Spiritual Week
Self Discipline - Is it Helping or Harming You?
The Dark Side of Goal Setting
How to Be a Life Coach
“The best way to become a leader is to get your followers, to follow you.” JP Sears
Contact Info:
Pick up JP’s book now for free with a mandatory donation: How to Be Ultra Spiritual
Landing Page: howtobeultraspiritual.com
Social Media Links:
SnapChat: AwakenWithJP