Ep.227 ~ A 19 Year Old Makes $200,000 in 3 Weeks on Social Media ~ Jason Wong
~ Current Series ~
100 Interviews in 100 Days with 100 Entrepreneurs That Have Built $100,000+ Businesses
Could you imagine being 19 and making $200,000 in 3 weeks from social media? That is exactly what Jason Wong did. Jason is not your typical 19-year old. He started exploring ways to make money online at the age of twelve. When the lesser known social media platform Tumblr was released, Jason fell in love with the idea of it and over a few years gained 2.1 million followers.
As a fun project, Jason decided to create ‘The Meme Bible’. He then released it to his Tumblr following and three weeks later, he was sitting with $200,000. That is a day he will never forget, but the many that might see this as a lucky win for this young man might be surprised. Jason is a very intelligent entrepreneur and connector and knows how to work the social media world.
“For Tumblr, it’s really a way to express your inner-self. For Instagram, it is really a way to express your outer-self.” Jason Wong
02:01: Who is Jason Wong and What is The Holy Meme Bible?
04:43: $200,000 in 3-Weeks on Tumblr
11:06: Why Tumblr?
14:16: Gaining a Massive Following on Tumblr
15:26: Is Tumblr a More Authentic Platform?
16:42: What’s the Future of Tumblr?
18:18: Keeping Copy Simple When Retargeting
20:32: What Does Social Media Lack Today?
22:43: Suggestions to Grow Your Networks
“The meme culture has become more prominent in today’s society……think about Gucci the fashion designer, (they) made an entire fashion catalog out of memes.” Jason Wong
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