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Ep.286 ~ Baby Bath Water and the Creator of the Video Sales Letter ~ Hollis Carter

~ Current Series ~

100 Interviews with 100 Location Independent Entrepreneurs That Have Over $1,000,000 in Annual Revenue

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Hey, podcast junkies welcome back to the show and we are excited to share what we have in store for you today! Today the co-founder of Baby Bath Water Institute and internet marketing pro Hollis Carter is joining us on the show!  I know many of you are thinking…”Wait! Did he just say ‘Baby Bathwater Institute’ and what does it have to do with internet marketing?” Let me explain.


Our guest today ‘Hollis’ is an internet marketer from back in the day and today we chat on a variety of things from the Internet Marketing Wild Wild West, being the original creator of the video sales letter, and earning $4,000,000 then losing $250,000. He is also the co-founder of Baby Bathwater Institute, a private community of entrepreneurs making 7-figures and higher that also host conferences for 7-figure entrepreneurs and higher.


Currently, Baby Bath Water is hosting a retreat on an island in Croatia coming up on June 6th-11th and it will be full of incredible talks, masterminds, and fun activities. I will be going and recommend if you can make it, you should join also. Later in the show, Hollis and I chat about the formation of Baby Bathwater and the incredible company it has become today.


“We like feedback. We have really tough skin and we like negative feedback if we can get it, so we can make adjustments from it.” Hollis Carter



03:00: Boulder, Colorado

04:55: Who is Hollis Carter?

11:22: Hollis Creates The First Video Sales Letter Ever, Earns $4 Million and Loses $250,000

18:22: The Formation of Baby Bath Water

22:12: The Internet Marketing Wild Wild West

24:22: The Quit Picking Your Booger Niche

26:51: Understanding Your Learning Style

28:12: Gaining the Privilege of Ethics

35:21: Baby Bathwater Institute Rents an Island in Croatia for 7-Figure Entrepreneurs



“I’ve noticed when working with entrepreneurs...knowing your learning style is crazy important to figure out how to have success!” Hollis Carter


Honorable Mentions:


Product Launch Formula


Dry Farm Wines


OnnIt Supplements


Contact Info:

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