Ep.519 ~ Building a High-Networth Personal Brand ~ Erik Qualman
~ High-Performance & Entrepreneurship ~
Listeners welcome to the show and welcome back to The Business Method Podcast today. We're glad to have you. I'm excited for today's guest. We have Eric Qualman on the show, also known as Equalman. Eric started out working at Yahoo way back in the day he is now a Forbes, Top 50 Influencer. He's a five-time #1 international best-selling author and speaker.
His books include The Focus Project, What Happens in Vegas Stays on YouTube, What Happens on Campus Stays on YouTube, Digital Leaders, Socialnomics, and How to Sell on LinkedIn. From his book, Digital Leader, he was voted the second most likable author after J K Rowling from the Harry Potter series.
Erik is an international motivational speaker and has spoken in over 55 different countries. His Socialnomics work has been featured on 60 Minutes & The Wall Street Journal, & used by The National Guard to NASA. He has over 500 universities using his materials. He's a former sitting professor at MIT and Harvard ed X lab, and he's received an honorary doctorate for his groundbreaking work. His studio Eagleman Studios produces award-winning movies for Fortune 1000 companies, small businesses and nonprofits
03:20 Who is Equalman?
05:35 The Two Different Types of Personal Brands & Why They Are Essential
15:05 Using Alter Egos for Success
17:26 From Employee to Personal Brand Entrepreneur
23:25 When to Charge for Speaking Engagements?
28:59 Boundaries for Speaking Tours
30:59 Dissecting Equalman’s Revenue Sources
35:35 Building a Sustainable Personal Brand
46:55 Running a Small Remote Team w/ High Margins
50:10 Running an Intern Program in a Small Remote Company
55:10 Focusing on Priorities
1:04:25 Foods the Make You Focus
1:13:45 Equalman’s Top High-Performance Hack