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Ep.254 ~ Drugs, Guns, Jail, Business Coaches and Multi-Million Dollar Startups ~ Dan Martell

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He’s thirty-seven and has started and sold three multi-million dollar businesses. He has been an advisor to HootSuite and regularly rubs shoulders with the founders of Airbnb, Dropbox, Uber, Mark Cuban, and Richard Branson. He has been a mentor for over five-hundred startups, raised more than $2,000,000 for his own businesses, and has invested in over thirty startups...a few of those including Unbounce, Udemy, and Intercom. His name is Dan Martell, he is a legend in the internet entrepreneurial world and he is joining us today as we dive into his life story. Dan will also share with us some essential tips on growing location independent businesses, why he disagrees with many businesses using the “freemium” business model, and what Dan does to be a power networker!
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“I didn’t know doing a million was a very rare thing for a business.” Dan Martell

02:51: Drugs, Guns, Jail, and Dan Turning His Life Around

10:32: Dan’s Three Multi-Million Dollar Startups

12:18: What Keeps Dan Motivated?

15:04: When Dan Thought He Was Failing After Making $1,000,000

16:23: On Hiring a Business Coach

18:52: Why Dan Still Hires a Coach

20:55: Tips for Entrepreneurs Building Location-Independent Businesses

24:13: Maybe You Shouldn’t Be Giving Things Away for Free When Building Your Business

28:07: Creating Founder Dinners

33:44: What Does Dan Love About Helping Others?



“The more relationships you build, the more exciting life gets!” Dan Martell

Honorable Mentions:

‘E-Myth’ by Michael Gerber

Tim Sanders, former COO of Yahoo

‘Love is the Killer App’ by Tim Sanders

Taki Moore

Dan’s Newsletter

“I believe to build a community you should give away free stuff. I just don’t believe it should be your product.”  Dan Martel

The Business Method

*All Rights Reserved 2024

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