Ep.257 ~ Over 1000 Events per Year and Creating a Location Independent Life ~ Beri Meric
~ Current Series ~
100 Interviews with 100
7- Figure Location-Independent Entrepreneurs
“People really want community, they want new experiences, they want real life.” Beri Meric
Could you imagine running a business that has over one thousand events per year? Many entrepreneurs struggle with running one event and have dozens of problems making it profitable. Today’s guest is Beri Meric the founder of IVY. IVY is a twenty-thousand member social university that exists in seven cities across the U.S and brings together people that are interested in entrepreneurship, arts, social impact, policy, well-being, science, and philosophy.
It was incredible getting into the mind of Beri and understanding how he makes a business like this work. His focus is on change and making a difference, and this is what drives the business. On the show, we dig into how Beri and his partner started to grow IVY. We discuss how the events for IVY are managed, and talk about how they structure the business in a manageable way. Towards the end of the show, Beri shares with us about what he thinks is most important when maintaining a business of this magnitude and how he can still run things from anywhere in the world.
"Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive." — Quote on IVY's Website by Howard Thurman
01:29: Who is Beri Meric?
12:22: Growing IVY Business to 1000+ Events per Year
17:30: Branding a Business Like This
19:26: Getting People to Join IVY in the Early Days
27:10: Recognizing Leaders to Add to a Movement
28:20: What Many Entrepreneurs Should Consider When Creating Events
34:31: What Other Tribes/Communities Does Beri Belong To?
38:19: Tips for Building a 7-Figure Events Business and Keeping Your Location-Independence
Honorable Mentions:
‘Self-Made Man’ Podcast with Mike Dillard
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