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Ep.362 ~ $3,000,000 Online Company w/ 23 Employees Throughout 19 Timezones ~ Andy Fossett

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~ Current Series ~

100 Interviews with 100 Location Independent Entrepreneurs That Have Over $1,000,000 in Annual Revenue

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I love remote companies. I love the idea of them, I love the freedom they give the founders and the employees. I love that more and more companies around the world are getting to the point to where they can work, with their teams anywhere in the world as long as they have a decent internet connection. Today’s guest is Andy Fossett and he is the founder of GMB Fitness. GMB is a company that is dedicated to helping people expand their movement, mobility, range, and strength. And, they are a remote company with twenty-three workers over nineteen timezones!


Today on the show, Andy and I chat about how he manages so many time zones and maintains the communication and culture throughout the company. We also chat about how living abroad has made Andy a better entrepreneur, why he loves Japan and how he overcomes scarcity beliefs from childhood.


03:07: On Being Based in Japan

07:37: Who is Andy Fossett

12:17: Overcoming Scarcity Beliefs From Childhood

18:19: Andy’s Daily Ritual and Balancing Priorities

27:37: Twenty-Three Employees Spread Out Amongst 19 Timezones

32:27: Maintaining the Company Culture w/ So Many Remote Employees

35:07: Company Meetups Around the World for Remote Companies

38:15: How Living Abroad Made Andy a Better Entrepreneur


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