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Ep.180 ~ ZenMaid, FB Groups, Podcasting and Ko Phangan Island, Thailand ~ Amar Ghose

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~ Current Series ~

100 Interviews in 100 Days with 100 Entrepreneurs That Have Built $100,000+ Businesses

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"The two ways to be really successful in the world are either to be the absolute best at something or to be in the 90th percentile in two skills." Amar Ghose

On today’s episode, we are featuring the founder of ZenMaid, Amar Ghose to the show. Today, Amar and I chat about Thailand, the strategies that he used to grow ZenMaid, his private Facebook group, and podcasting. Amar was calling from is temporary home on the island of Ko Phangan.


He shares with us what life is like on a daily basis there. We then chat about how he uses his business to build a tight-knit community of other entrepreneurs that have maid service businesses and how he converts them into clients. And lastly, we both talk about getting a great podcast started.

01:11: Ko Phangan Island, Thailand

10:25: Strategies Used to Grow ZenMaid

16:48: Tips on Growing a private Facebook Group

22:43: Amar and Chris Talk Podcasting

Honorable Mentions:

Ko Phangan Island , Thailand

Scott Adams

Anthony Fasano

Content Marketing Equation

Contact Info:

The Business Method

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