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Ep 540 ~ The Story of LinkedIn with the Co-Founder Konstantin Guericke

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~ High-Performance & Entrepreneurship ~

Listeners, welcome to the show! Today, have a pioneer from the early days of social networking and one of the co-founders of LinkedIn on the podcast! We are going to get behind the mind and the story of how the world’s largest online business network got its start!

He co-founded LinkedIn with Reid Hoffman, Allen Blue, Jean-Luc Vaillant and Eric Ly, and his name is Konstantin Guericke.  LinkedIn went public in 2011 for $4 billion and was purchased by Microsoft in 2016 for $26 billion. 


Recognizing the potential of the Internet with its vast networking possibilities, Konstantin and his future co-founder Reid Hoffman developed the idea for LinkedIn.

Konstantin led the company’s marketing to profitability. For the first few years, he focused on positioning/branding, viral marketing, user engagement emails and media relations. Later, he also managed LinkedIn Groups, international expansion and the corporate sales team.

In May of 2003, LinkedIn was officially released. They had 81,000 users by the end of that year, over ½ a million by their 12-month mark and 4.5 million users at the end of their second year. 

We’re going to dive into LinkedIn’s story with Konstatin and how he has been making an impact in the entrepreneurial world since he left LinkedIn. 

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3:16 Intro
5:08 Where Konstantin Guericke Started
8:41 How LinkedIn Began
12:14 What Conceived The Idea Of LinkedIn
14:08 What Made LinkedIn Successful
16:19 The Concept Of LinkedIn
20:26 LinkedIn Worked
21:42 The Growth Of LinkedIn
24:26 What Was The Hardest Lesson In The Early Days Of LinkedIn
29:00 How Konstantin Projects The Future Of LinkedIn
32:26 The Orignal Founders
32:51 What’s The Most Exciting Thing About LinkedIn
37:26 What’s Still Missing In Social Networking Apps
40:31 Niche In Social Platforms
42:11 What Konstantin Did After LinkedIn
44:38 Current Projects
47:31 Effectiveness Vs Efficiency
49:29 Breaking Down Changes
52:21 The Importance Of Creating A System
54:45 Outro

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